Saturday, August 31, 2019

Art as Expression Essay

The question of what art is cannot be properly answered without asking why art is. Prior to the advent of the written language, art was used as a means of communication, and in some ways, written language is in its own regard, art. Art, then, must be an expression of meaning by the artist, or potentially by the client that artist created the artwork for, but this assumption is altogether too broad. Art is not exclusively a private expression because it is left open to interpretation by the individual who looks upon it, and as such art can then be categorized as the representation through a variety of mediums, of whatever the beholder or artist thinks it should be. Which poses a greater question – is something art if the individual who designed it had no intended message? Or visa versa – is something art if the consumer of the artform does not perceive any message? I was at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art about a two years ago, and they had some very abstract pieces on display, all of which brought forth in me at least some semblance of a response, except for a piece by Robert Rauschenberg, call White Painting [three panel], that began a philosophical debate between my brother and I because I refused to call the â€Å"painting† art. To me, there was no way to interpret the three panels of white, they were simply empty canvases that Rauschenberg sold for substantially more than he bought them for. No soul, or emotion went into the piece and as I understand art, that does not qualify as any more than a man playing a abstraction crazy consumer culture for the fool. To backtrack, art in my eyes is the true expression of an artist to the consumer, for the purpose of provocation; art has to make something well up in a person, even if it is not enjoyment, even if it is sorrow, or anger. Art is the way we have always talked to each other as people, and the pure aesthetic painters and songwriters of the last century do not produce art. Art is emotion and passion mixing into something for others to partake in; there is no private art, there is only art that no one else has applied their own perceptions to yet.

Friday, August 30, 2019

From Data, Information and Knowledge to Wisdom

From Data, Information and Knowledge to Wisdom The data-information-knowledge-wisdom (DIKW) continuum is a concept of the transformation of data into wisdom through cognitive processes. DIKW was initially used to illustrate principles of information management for the designing of information systems (Davenport & Pursak, 1989)(Saltworks, 2009).DIKW models utilized by nursing such as the model by Englebart & Nelson (2002), incorporate principles of increasing complexity due to increasing interactions What is important and unique to nursing is the DIKW concepts and models also help describe the critical thinking processes that nurses use to transform knowledge into the delivery of patient care, into education and learning and also into nursing research (ANA-American Nurses Association, 2008).The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the progression through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum that occurs research information to answer a clinical questi on pertinent to nurse practitioner practice. Standardized N nursing Language in Nurse Practitioner Practice The use of electronic information and decision support systems in nursing practice has brought about the introduction of several standardized nursing languages to document and communicate patient care. (McGonigle & Mastria, 2012 ).The identity of the Nurse Practitioner is grounded in nursing practice but has also expanded to include the functions of a physician (O'Connor, Hameister, & Kershaw, 2000). Given the merged identity of the Nurse Practitioner the clinical question is :Would a standardized nursing language adequately document the patient care delivered by a nurse practitioner? The Search for Clinical Data Data are discreet entities that in of themselves have no meaning. The search for data related to the clinical question was conducted through the Walden Library Health Science and Nursing Databases.DATA TO WISDOM 3 Using the search words Nurse Practitioner and Standard ized Nursing Language, both the CINHAL/Medline and the OVID data bases were queried. The search identified 6 articles. According to Bernstein (2009), The Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom hierarchy is based on filtration and reduction, so to select the most relevant articles, the titles and the keywords of the articles were reviewed first. This resulted in one article that did not contain the search words to be elimiated from further review. Translating Clinical Data to InformationTo further evaluate the usefulness of the 5 remaining articles, their abstracts were read to identify any relevant information. Information is data that has some meaning to it. Davenport and Prusak (1989) describes information as data that makes a difference to the receiver of the data. The data which is now aggregated into informational sentences and paragraphs (complete thoughts) reveal that the NANDA Nursing Diagnoses, the Iowa Nursing Interventions, and Iowa Nursing Outcomes Classification SNLs have be en explored for use in Nurse Practitioner practice.This is information as it has context to the reason the literature search is being performed. Linking Information to Knowledge In the DIKW continuum, Knowledge is transformed from Information At the knowledge stage in Englebart's & Nelson's (2002) DIKW model, an increased level of complexity in thinking must occur as a result of the increasing occurrences of interrelationships between information and knowledge (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2012 ).Davenport and Pursak also describe the knowledge stage of the continuum as a level of higher order of thinking and go on to describe some of the higher level thinking actions that turn information into knowledge. DATA TO WISDOM 4 One such action is Comparison i. e. How does this information compare to other known facts ? In this case the information found was about one type of SNL, but it known that there are about 13 different SNLs in existence. Another action is making Connections i. e. How does this information relate to other pertinent topics? In this situation another pertinent topic in NP practice is e-Prescribing.How does the use of an SNL relate to e-prescribing? Thus far the knowledge gleaned is not enough information has been found to answer the clinical question as written. Wisdom—Knowledge Applied in Meaningful Ways. Can informatics be used to gain wisdom? Interestingly the concept of wisdom has been eliminated from many DIKW models (DIK models) because according to Davenport and Prusak(1989) there is â€Å"enough difficulty distinguishing among the three related concepts of data, information and knowledge† and so â€Å"higher-order concepts such as wisdom and insight have been lumped into the category of knowledge†.There are differences in defining what wisdom is. According to Bernstien (2009) â€Å"wisdom means an ability to see the long-term consequences of any act†. Or wisdom is knowing when and how to apply knowledge to complex pr oblems or needs (Englebart & Nelson, 2012). In this case Wisdom is knowing that more research needs to be done on the topic of SNL's and NP practice in order to determine if standardized nursing language adequately applies to NP practice. It is what nurses do with the information available or lack of information available in informatic systems that creates wise decision making.Summary In nursing, Data- Information- Knowledge-Wisdom continuum models help depict the critical thinking nurses use to provide patient care. In information science DIKW models depict information management systems. DATA TO WISDOM 5 Data and Information can be stored in the databases of information systems in the forms of numbers, symbols and words that in of themselves have no meaning. It is only when data and information have context and meaning and are correctly applied to a problem that they are transformed into Knowledge and Wisdom in the minds of the users of these information systems. DATA TO WISDOM 6 References American Nurses Association. (2008). Nursing informatics: Scope & standards of practice. Silver Springs, MD Bernstein, J. H. ( 2009) The Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom Hierarchy and its Antithesis.Retrieved from http://arizona. openrepository. com/arizona/handle/10150/105414 Davenport, T. , Prusak, L. (1998) Excerpt of Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know. Retrieved from http://wang. ist. psu. edu/course/05/IST597/papers/ Davenport_know. pdf McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. G. (2012). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (2nd ed. ). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. O'Connor, N. A. , Hameister, A. D. , Kershaw, T. (2000). Application of Standardized Nursing Language to Describe Adult Nurse Practitioner Practice. Nursing Diagnosis Magazine. Copyright 1999 Nursecom, Inc. Retrieved from www. highbeam. com The Data-Information-Knowledge Continuum. The Saltworks Blog Archive. Retrieved from http://www. datamobilitygroup. com/saltwor ks/archives/76

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Report on the Analysis of Ineffective Communication in the Workplace Essay

This report will analyse and examine issues of interpersonal behaviour in the workplace. It will describe a scenario observed concerning communication and will include an analysis of the problems that occurred. A conclusion will be made which will lead to recommendations to prevent this situation from recurring. 2. 0 The scenario The main conflict in this scenario transpired between persons B and C (see appendix 1) on the shop floor of B & Q. Person B had previously spoken rudely about person C to person D. Persons D and C are good friends, therefore person D informed C about the incident. Person C then discussed the issue with Person A who had a one-to-one meeting with person B. The outcome of the meeting was that Person B should have an informal meeting with person C to resolve the issue. However, person B avoided holding this meeting and instead chose to speak to person C on the shop floor in the presence of customers. (See appendix 2 for the transcript of the scenario). 3. 0 Transactional Analysis and Effective Communication Transactional Analysis assists when evaluating this situation as the model is a popular way of explaining the dynamics of interpersonal communication. It was developed by Eric Berne in 1949 and has two fundamental assumptions; all the events and feelings people experience are stored within them and can be replayed, and that personality is made up of three ego states that manifest themselves in gesture, tone of voice and actions. The child ego state is described as the ‘feelings state’ and involves people behaving as they did when they were a child. This includes three sub-states which are the ‘free or natural child’, the ‘little professor’ and the ‘rebellious child’. The free or natural child state focuses on genuine feelings, acting on impulse and letting others know how we feel. The little professor state is creative, questioning and experimental. As the name suggests, the rebellious child state invokes rebellion, frustration and withdrawal. The adult ego state involves behaviour that concerns thought processes and can be defined as ‘the thoughtful’ state. This state focuses on data collection, reality testing and objectiveness. The parent state is described as the ‘taught’ state and consists of two sub-states; the nurturing and the critical parent. In this state, people take responsibility and tend to behave in ways learnt from parental figures. The nurturing parent state involves caring for other people, whereas in the critical or controlling parent state people have a tendency to lay down rules and boundaries and insist on their own method of getting the job done. Exclusions of ego states occur when someone is permanently using one ego state and cuts off the others (see appendix 7). There are three types of transactions in communication; complementary, crossed and ulterior (see appendix 3). When both parties’ ego states match, this is a complementary transaction and communication can continue. Crossed transactions occur when one party addresses a different ego state to the one the other party is currently in. The communication in crossed transactions disintegrates and can result in bad feelings. Ulterior transactions involve a crossed transaction on a psychological level, however on the surface the ego states seem to match leading to people playing games with one another. Strokes are units of recognition and are given and received via the five senses. Positive strokes are life and growth encouraging, whereas negative strokes are the opposite and cause the recipient to feel dejected. Transactional analysis assumes that our characteristic ways of feeling and behaving derive from the way we feel about ourselves in relation to other people. These are referred to as the four life positions and consist of â€Å"I’m not OK, You’re OK†, â€Å"I’m not OK, You’re not OK†, â€Å"I’m OK, You’re not OK† and â€Å"I’m OK, You’re OK† (see appendix 4). Body language is another method used to communicate and can assist when deciphering an underlying message that someone is trying to purvey. According to Pivcevic, â€Å"it is commonly agreed that 80 per cent of communication is non-verbal† (Mullins, L. J, 2010, pp 235). Effective communication is achieved by attending, reflecting and following (see appendix 5). This benefits both the listener and the speaker as it aids the listener in thoroughly understanding what the speaker is saying. Attending is non-verbal communication that signifies someone is paying careful attention to the person talking. Attending includes body posture, gestures, eye contact and an environment free of distractions. Following skills require the listener to offer openers and encouragements. Openers are non-coercive invitations for the speaker to talk and include judgemental, reassuring and advice statements. Opening questions and silence can be used as they encourage and concentrate on the concerns of the speaker rather than the listener. Reflecting skills avoid both speaker and listener problems. Words are perceived differently to people and listeners can often become distracted. Reflective responses are non-judgmental and help the listener to grasp the feelings of the speaker. Guirdham’s cycle of perception and behaviour can also aid in analysing communication as perceptions can alter the way in which we behave, thus having an effect on communication (see appendix 8). 4. 0 Analysis of the scenario By applying the Transactional analysis model, it is evident that when person B approached C, she was speaking from her critical parent ego state. This state is condescending and admonishing and can cause the addressee to feel discouraged. When replying, person C speaks from her adult ego state which is objective and rational, presenting a crossed transaction as B was addressing a different ego state to that of which C is currently in (see appendix 3). Person B should have shifted to an adult ego state to ensure that the states matched, amending it to a complementary transaction. However, B replies she has no time denoting that she is speaking from her critical parent ego state and sending out negative strokes. Her abrupt and loud tone insinuates she is defensive and angry. Her body language also gives an implication of her underlying message as she is walking away from the situation with her arms crossed, suggesting she is uninterested. Person C is rational and relaxed with her body language, making constant eye contact and positioning herself closely to person B, signifying she is listening intently. C’s ego state shifts to a rebellious child state when B’s body language and attitude is perceived as rude, abrupt and unconcerned. This subliminal communication causes an argument to break out and C begins to speak vociferously. The clenching of her fists and words spoken infer this shift in ego state. A change in behaviour occurs due to C’s perceptions of B’s behaviour (see appendix 8). Person A then interrupts the conversation and speaks from a nurturing parent ego state; this is presumed as he interjects with a question, â€Å"are you okay guys? † He places a hand on person C’s shoulder, signalling a display of power over her. At this point, person B begins to fiddle with her pen, suggesting a transition out of her comfort zone and showing she is uncomfortable in the situation. By this point, person C is very distressed and is deep in a rebellious child ego state. Her body language conveys feelings of anger and frustration as she is frantically waving her arms. Person B is reluctant to apologise or be sympathetic throughout the incident, indicating her ego state has not changed. This implies that she is currently in an arrogant life position as she feels she is not in the wrong (see appendix 4). She walks away, with her arms crossed expressing hostility and disregard to the situation. Person C reverts back to an adult ego state towards the end of the conversation and realises that she needs to calm down and clear her head. She also displays anxiety as she begins to bite her lip. Person A has maintained a nurturing parent ego state throughout as he is caring and tries to control and pacify the situation. 5. 0 Conclusion In conclusion, person B has inadequate communication skills. The crossed transaction, exclusion of other ego states and current life position (see appendix 4) of person B combine together to make her appear arrogant and uninterested, leading to conflict between the two parties. Attending, following and reflecting skills (see appendix 5) should have been applied to the conversation on B’s part to ensure effective communication took place. Person B’s disregard to instructions given to her by A could be due to the age gap between the two. According to Hart (Mullins, L. J, 2010, pp 101), age gaps can lead to conflict in the workplace as there is a dispute between age and experience. 6. 0 Recommendations To avoid this situation recurring, person B should receive training on interpersonal skills (see appendix 6), attending, following and listening (see appendix 5), enabling her to understand her own behaviour, other points of view and improve communication skills. Person A should hold an informal, one-to-one meeting with B and discuss possible outcomes of the meeting, such as training. Person A should identify whether B is in a constant ‘arrogant or cosmetic’ life position as she could have been having a bad day when the argument broke out. If it is found that her constant life position is ‘I’m OK, you’re not OK’ then an attempt should be made to modify this as it has a negative effect on communication. Person A should ensure this is carried out in a conscientious manner to prevent another conflicting situation from occurring. Person A should avoid singling out B as this could demotivate her from joining work shop training, so should offer the opportunity to every employee. This informal, fun atmosphere may help to improve person B’s opinions of others and alter her current life position. Another method of altering person B’s life position is to offer counselling but should be suggested at a later date if workshops fail.

Essay paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paper - Essay Example The economy; Globalization has affected the economy in both positive and negative ways, some of the advantages are availability of better quality goods in the market, this is because some countries are able to access raw materials at better prices than others and that are of acceptable standards. Quality is also improved by the fact that the sellers need to make sales that translate to profits and the only way to achieve this is to ensure that their goods are of the highest quality. In addition, there is the availability of cheaper goods, for example, Saudi can now import electronics and other stuff from China due to their affordability. Furthermore, globalization has led to diversity, and one can now buy goods that were once not available in their country but are sourced from another one. Saudi Arabia was known mainly for dates, but now people can get access to other food stuffs such as bananas from Mexico, rice from Pakistan and so on. Therefore, due to globalization, Saudi Arabia has now become one of the leading countries when it comes to providing for employment to people from other countries; for instance, the horn of Africa. However, there are disadvantages associated with globalization concerning its impact on the economy; such as stifling of the smaller companies through the competition brought about by globalization, which leads to their collapse while trying to put their foot in their home countries market. There are also cases of social injustices such as child labor as well unfair working conditions have increased. In the education system, standards of education have risen as countries seek to adopt other education systems into the country with the hope of making their citizens more learned and marketable. Often one can find a country having 2 or 3 education systems, so that it can cater to students that are not originally from that country.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Can any business afford to be socially responsible Research Paper

Can any business afford to be socially responsible - Research Paper Example usiness ethics and the social responsibility are two aspects of a business that go hand in hand, thus a business person will have to tackle the aspect of social responsibility in the running of the business. This research report uses scholarly sources, as well as books, to draft a detailed report, and as sources of references. The sources were immensely helpful and helped us to come up with solutions that concerned the topic at hand (Rachael, 2007 p2858). The sources gave compelling evidence and sample case that all came at handy in the research. All sources had the same theme of corporate social responsibility and all had the same view point on the same (Rachael, 2007 p2859). This research was carried out by reading reports of projects carried out on corporate responsibility; this included the book by Jean Brick. The research was majorly carried out in the internet where we found many sources with detailed reports on social responsibility. Internet resources that are relevant to this research project include a website by the brotherhood of St. Laurence on cooperate social responsibility among others. However, this document, by brotherhood, provide detailed arguments on the social responsibility of the cooperate world. The research was carried out for several days. This period was used to read the various reports that touched on the business and social responsibility. The research found out that social responsibility is a key factor that affects business functionality and productivity. All businesses should be socially responsible (CPA Australia, 2006 p11). Companies are judged by the way they conduct themselves in the context of pursuing their business aims and objectives (Brotherhood of St. Laurence, 2006 p2). In this respect, a business deals with the environmental and social issues that influence its business operations. These issues also play significant roles, in how the society will perceive the business, which also affect the company, in a positive or

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Class Discussion cis 242 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Class Discussion cis 242 - Essay Example Operators and values are used to define a condition. The operators can be Relational and Logical operators that are used to compare two values; however, Logical operators are also used to combine two or more conditions. An example is given below for illustration of decision making structure using conditions, operators and values: /* â€Å"&&† a logical operator used to compare two conditions, the first condition is either â€Å"a† is greater than â€Å"10† and the second condition is either â€Å"a† is less than 20. If both the conditions get true, the â€Å"statements (A)† will be executed and if anyone of the conditions gets false, the â€Å"statements (B)† will be executed. As â€Å"&&† (and) logical operator has been used, therefore, both the conditions need to be true to execute â€Å"statements (A)†. Boolean operators have significance importance in C++, as these can be used in the conditions to determine either the condition is true or false. In programming, you need decision making structures that are based on conditions, whereas in the conditions we use Boolean operators. The above example explains the conditions along with Boolean Operators in detail. Loops are used to add excitement to roller coaster in amusements parks such as Six Flags. :D Just kidding of course, but in C++, they do the same kind of thing: Start at one point, execute some code, then end up back at where you started. They are useful for when you need to execute a piece of code multiple times. The different loop commands have the same basic function, but execute slightly differently. The while command is the simplest of the loops.Just like we say when we talk while (this) is true, do (this). For example: While the TV is on, I will watch it. Once the TV goes off, I will stop watching it. A good use of while is when asking for an entry, check to see that one of the expected entries is the one that the user used. The while loop checks to see if the condition is true before it

Monday, August 26, 2019

IP 5 - Macro Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IP 5 - Macro - Term Paper Example The feasibility of any policy is essential, as it will determine the number of adjustments to be put in place to ensure maximum benefit. The World Bank applies policies based on sustainability. The advice given to new industrialized countries are based on economic growth and utilizing on the local potential. In Singapore, the balance is found between the social and economic spaces. The government polices are aimed at maintaining the balance between growth and social priorities. The steady economic growth measured based on GDP indicate the positive local models and the World Bank aims at ensuring financial and consultative aid is provided the country boast of economic stability (Page, 1994). However the local population required a sustainable model that balance between economic growth and social require are met. Social demands in this case imply the educational system and the healthcare provision. The country has been advised to focus on the educational system. The current curriculum should focus on productivity and evaluated based on quality rather than accessibility. In this case investment opportunities are introduced in the learning institution. The model is aimed at securing the future of investments and ensures continuous growth across the nation. Through education the country is a ble to plan for the future having secured the employment demand. The current educational system focuses on innovation and independent investments (Page, 1994). The educational system ensures continuous supply of labor while at the same time creating room for entrepreneurs. In Hong Kong, the focus is on the social policy is utilized to create a balance between the market demand and supply of labor. The aim is to empower local population hence reducing the rate of employment. High wages are to be triggered by the supply of skilled labor to the market. This implies increasing the local population purchasing

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Effective Leadership Styles for an Educational or Training Institution Essay

Effective Leadership Styles for an Educational or Training Institution - Essay Example A general definition would be that â€Å"a leader is someone who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal†. There are 3Ps that are related to the term â€Å"leader† and these are People, Purpose, and Person. A leader is a person that is deeply committed to the goal and s/he will try to achieve it even if nobody follows him/her. A leader is someone who has a personal vision and in order to achieve needs the help of others. The leader should communicate his/her vision in such a way that the followers will share it and the goal will become a common goal. The leader needs the trust of the followers. Some people are more effective than others at influencing people. This effectiveness has been attributed to leadership styles, persuasion skills and the personal attributes of the leader. A leader is someone that brings big changes and innovations, someone who has handled effectively big crises whereas a manager is someone who improves the effectiveness of an organization at a given place and at a controlled course. Coercive. This is the least effective since it erodes employees’ pride. The leader here creates terrifies and demeans the employees at the slightest misstep. As a style it can be used in emergency situations. Authoritative. The leader has a vision, s/he motivates people by showing them how their work fits in the vision of the organization. This approach fails when the leader has a team of experts but it is a style which is effective in most business situations. Affiliative. The leader focuses on strong emotional relations and then he receives the benefits i.e. employees loyalty. S/he offers positive feedback. As a style it is positive but it should be better used when the leader wants to improve communication and increase morale. Democratic.  

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Judaism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Judaism - Assignment Example The American society is also identified to develop trust as well as faith based on Orthodoxy Judaism (Albanese 42-60). Reform Judaism signifies the Jewish movements were about beliefs and practices for modernising the Jewish tradition. Reform Jewish believed that revelation is a continuous process and Torah is a human document, which safeguarded culture, history and legends of Jewish. It is valuable for developing the principle moral, ethnic and ethical insights. Reform Judaism assisted in modernising the American society. Reform Judaism possessed various views about God with high latitude for naturalists, religious humanists, mystics or supernaturalisms (Albanese 42-60). On the other hand, Conservative Judaism signifies that God is flexible and non-dogmatic. Conservative Judaism is less atheism as compared to Reform Judaism. Conservative Judaism recognised Torah and Talmud heavenly origin. Conservative Judaism held similar views as Reform Judaism but maintained a special Jewish identity and developing American society. Judaism had a rich history and shaped various western countries like America. Judaism aided in developing the American law, culture, tradition and different values for building the American community. Jews is now identified as a special group of individual rather than a different ethnicity group in the country. Although, they came from the Middle East countries but at present, they are mixed with other communities in America. Respectively, Judaism aided in modernising the American society and life (Albanese

Friday, August 23, 2019

Critically appraise the Joint Law Commission proposals for the reform Essay

Critically appraise the Joint Law Commission proposals for the reform of the law relating to Business Insureds, considering furt - Essay Example Business Insureds can be divided into their components so the Commission’s proposals can be critically analysed. Duty of Disclosure The law of disclosure is famously referred to in the section 18 of MIA. It states that the insured must provide every material circumstance that it knows or ought to know in the ordinary course of its business (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 7); both the insurer and the insured owe a duty of utmost good faith to each other (Brook, 2012, p. 21). In Goshawk Dedicated Ltd v Tyser & Co Ltd it was held that utmost good faith was not free standing but formed the basis for implicating a term (Gurses, 2013, p. 77). The need for change (proposal) arose from the 2007’s section that a business insured only needs to provide volunteering facts that an insurer would want to know (Palmer, Mackie, Davies & Marris, 2012). To rectify this, the Commission’s proposal retains duty of the insured for providing all material facts that any reasonable insurer would want to know. ... For instance, in practice, strict adherence to MIA can sometimes produce results that are unjust or inappropriate for the insurer (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 38). Although the Consumer Insurance (Disclosure & Misrepresentation) Act 2012 has addressed these issues in its proposal but concrete reforms in this regard are yet to come. Proposals for Non-disclosure and Misrepresentation The original Act of 1906 suggests that an insurer can only avoid the contract in only those areas where the insured is guilty of non-disclosure or misrepresentation (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 24). This does not do justice to the insurer as the losses by misrepresentation or failure to disclose material information can range from minimal to catastrophic (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 179). For this reason, the Commission’s proposal suggests defining this dishonest conduct (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 213). Two options in this regard are; either going for delibe rate or reckless, or the common law test of fraudulent conduct (Joint Law Commission Report, 2012, p. 213). So this is what the new picture looks like. If the misconduct on insured’s part is innocent or negligible then the remedy for the insurer is only proportionate to the amount of damages. This ‘leniency’ is because not all damages arise out of deliberate fraud or misrepresentation. In Economides a 21-year-old man placed the contents of his flat below their market value when his parents moved in with him, the Court of Appeal considered his statement an opinion rather than a fact. As it was made in honest good faith it did not have to be reasonable (Summer, 2013, p.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Race and Minorities in the Jury Box Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Race and Minorities in the Jury Box - Assignment Example The selection is most difficult when it is a high-profile case and everyone has heard of the defendant. Introduction In 2006, it was estimated through the United States Bureau of Justice statistics, that over 1.1 million adults were convicted of felonies and, of this amount, 38% were Black. Most of these cases were handled in state courts and, those who had been arrested and remained in jail, had their cases handled more quickly than others did. Mainly this was due to the fact that most could not hire a lawyer or post bail (Gabbidon & Greene, 2013). There are several processes in how cases move forward to a trial, but once it does, and the case requires a jury, then there will be a session where members of the public are requested to appear for potential selection to act as a juror in the case. This paper concerns the process of jury selection and how it can be biased by race and minority composition, or lack of it (Gabbidon & Greene, 2013). When it comes to jury selection, there has been considerable discourse about the makeup of jurors and whether jurors should be the same race as the defendant, or not the same race as the defendant, or a mixture (AP, 2008). 1.When determining suitable jurors for a trial, it is never made publicly clear why lawyers might choose one juror over another. However, some policymakers and legal scholars have now proposed reforms to ensure that there is sufficient variety of racial minorities on any given jury. While the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was created to eliminate racial discrimination in jury selection, yet it still does exist, and it happens more often in Southern states (EJI, 2010). Some counties have excluded almost 80% of qualified Blacks in selecting juries in counties that have a majority population of Blacks, citing obscure reasons such as being single, married, too old, too young, for having attended black colleges, or not having attended college, having an out-of-wedlock child, and even for how they walk (EJI, 2010). It can also be a case of religious views or tendencies to not want to send someone to jail (AP, 2008). How this detailed information was obtained is unclear unless it was through interviews or surveys with lawyers. In justifying reforms for the composition of a jury, the primary factor that should hold sway is that any prospective juror must demonstrate an understanding of the legal process, and a willingness to not be biased. 2. The jury composition should be made of all races, not just all White or all Black, or all Hispanic (EJI, 2010). Lawyers should make a reasonable attempt at including all races and minorities, when possible.

An Unfortunate Influence and Its Tragic Outcome Essay Example for Free

An Unfortunate Influence and Its Tragic Outcome Essay In every person’s life there are many factors that occur throughout, both negative and positive influences that alter the path one chooses. In the world renowned play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the tragic outcome is brought about by the lovers’ trusted friend, Friar Lawrence. To begin with, Friar Lawrence is to blame for setting the events into motion by marrying Romeo and Juliet. Then, Friar Lawrence is responsible for Juliet receiving the potion that causes everyone to believe that she is truly dead. Finally, Friar Lawrence could have prevented the two deaths by simply making sure that Romeo gets the message as he assured Juliet he would. So ultimately, Friar Lawrence is responsible for the star crossed lovers’ demise, because they wrongly trust the Friar and his influence causes Romeo and Juliet to make all the wrong decisions thus bringing about their downfall. Before any tragic incidents actually occur in the play, Friar Lawrence sets the entire series of unfortunate events into motion by secretly marrying Romeo and Juliet. When Romeo first arrives at the Friar’s cell to declare the love he now feels for Juliet, Friar Lawrence immediately notes how foolish Romeo is being, for just the day before he had been so in love with Rosaline and devastated that she did not return that love. Friar Lawrence says, â€Å"Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, / So soon forsaken? And art thou chang’d? Pronounce this sentence then: / Women may fall, when there’s no strength in men† (2.3.66-80). Friar Lawrence right away states that it is ridiculous that Rosaline, with whom Romeo was borderline obsessed, has already been replaced with a girl in a matter of days. However, Friar Lawrence then blatantly turns around and contradicts what he says about Romeo behaving foolishly, by agreeing to marry Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawren ce agrees saying, â€Å"In one respect I’ll thy assistant be. / For this alliance may so happy prove, / To turn your households’ rancour to pure love† (2.3.90-92). Friar Lawrence agrees to secretly wed Romeo and Juliet despite what he says earlier about the proposal. Friar Lawrence could have easily prevented the tragedy if he had just gone with his first instincts. However, he sees the opportunity to stop the feuding between the Capulets and Montagues and jumps at it to become the big hero, therefore making him selfish and irresponsible as well as a bad influence. Friar Lawrence sets Romeo and Juliet’s deaths into motion the second he agrees to Romeo’s plan, and in doing so Friar Lawrence is to blame for the untimely deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Not only does Friar Lawrence trigger Romeo and Juliet’s demise, he also continues the chain of tragic decisions by giving Juliet the sleeping potion that leads Romeo to kill himself. When Juliet runs to Friar Lawrence’s cell in utter desperation, he should have taken the time to advise her against such drastic measures and help her make the responsible choice where Romeo is concerned. Instead, Friar Lawrence hands her a sleeping potion that will create the illusion of death for the drinker: Take thou this vial, being then in bed, And this distilling liquor drink thou off, Now when the bridegroom in the morning comes To rouse thee from thy bed, there art thou dead (4.1.93-108). Friar Lawrence assures Juliet that everything will be okay and the potion will work in tricking her parents and Paris into believing she is truly dead. He places the vial in her hand and does not do anything to prevent Juliet from making this fatal decision. Friar Lawrence just continues to reassure Juliet by saying, â€Å"And hither shall he come, and he and I /Will watch thy waking, and that very night / Shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua† (4.1.115-117). Friar Lawrence promises Juliet that word of their plans will reach Romeo and when she wakes from her sleep-like trance, Romeo will be there to run away with her to Mantua. Friar Lawrence just keeps on telling Juliet that it will all work out fine, without pausing to think about all the possible dangers and side effects that may come from drinking the vial. Again, Friar Lawrence is being irresponsible and rash, holding two teen’s lives in his hands. Friar Lawrence gets carried away and swept up in Romeo and Julietâ €™s twisted fantasy and helps Juliet make a foolish decision that helps bring about the lover’s demise. Therefore, Friar Lawrence is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Even after all the irresponsible choices Friar Lawrence makes throughout the play, he still could prevent the tragic outcome by simply making sure that Romeo receives news of the Friar’s and Juliet’s plan. But alas, Friar Lawrence does not follow through and assure that the messenger arrives soundly in Mantua. One of the main reasons Juliet is able to take the potion without many concerns or worries is because she thinks that when she wakes in the monument, Romeo will be there to whisk her away with him. When Juliet is confused and in a highly vulnerable state, Friar Lawrence hands her the vial saying, â€Å"In the mean time, against thou shalt awake, / Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift† (4.1.113-114). Friar Lawrence tells Juliet that while they wait for her to awake, Romeo will receive a letter informing him of their plans. However, the messenger Friar Lawrence sends, Friar John, never makes it to Romeo and by the time Friar Lawrence actually finds out, h e knows that a great mistake has taken place and danger is going to ensue: Unhappy fortune! By my brotherhood, The letter was not nice but full of charge, Of dear import, and the neglecting it May do much danger (5.3.17-20). Friar Lawrence finally realizes the danger that Romeo and Juliet face. He understands that something terrible may happen because the information never reaches Romeo. However, it is too late by the time he arrives at the monument and Romeo, who received false information from Balthasar, is already lying dead beside his stirring wife. When Juliet does officially wake, she is devastated to see her loving Romeo dead, and desperate to be with him again. Instead of calming Juliet down and bringing her to safety, Friar Lawrence selfishly runs away when he hears the Watch coming. He leaves a desperate teenage girl there to stab herself and be with her Romeo for eternity. The incident with the letter leads Romeo to commit suicide and subsequently have Juliet kill herself to be with Romeo. The Friar does not make sure that the letter reaches Romeo and two premature deaths occur instead, conclusively leaving Friar Lawrence to blame. Friar Lawrence is a trusted friend and confident of Romeo and Juliet, yet he negatively influences the two lovers and guides them down a wrong path ending with a double suicide. Friar Lawrence triggers the start of the downfall by irrationally agreeing to wed Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence then gives Juliet bad counsel and advises her to make a catastrophic decision the second he places the vial of sleeping potion into her palm. Friar Lawrence still could evade the entire tragedy, but inadvertently breaks his promise to Juliet and never assures that the letter makes it to Romeo in Mantua. The star crossed lovers’ downfall is caused by the irresponsible and selfish Friar Lawrence because if Romeo and Juliet had not gone to Friar Lawrence for counsel and advice, they would not have been encouraged to follow through with their foolish fantasy and lived. The love between Romeo and Juliet was genuine, and the pain they felt when they heard of the other’s death was real. Kn owing that one person, especially someone as close to them as Friar Lawrence, is to blame for the tragic ending is horrible and tragic in itself, because if Friar Lawrence had just thought through his actions Romeo and Juliet might have lived a long and happy life together.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Scope Of Marketing Communication Marketing Essay

The Scope Of Marketing Communication Marketing Essay Advertising is a type of communication used to persuade viewers to take some action with respect to products and services. This assignment is based on the scope of marketing communication. The first segment gives brief detail about the structure, role and functions of different advertising parties (advertiser, client, ad agency etc) in the communication industry. After the identification of parties involved in communication industry, I had discussed the relationship between different parties of communication industry. In the second section, different current trends have been discussed. I have also discussed in detail about the current trends in Pakistani market and also used different ad images with examples. I have identified the impact of current trends Micro marketing and sales promotion on advertising industry and parties of advertising industry. In the third section, traditional response hierarchy models (AIDA, hierarchy of effects model, innovation adoption model and information processing model) have been discussed. Then I have selected two ads, one of Ufone and the other of Mobilink Jazz for evaluation considering the response hierarchy models and also confirm the response hierarchy models of these ads. In the last and final section, I have evaluated the ads and made an effective judgment on the selected ads that weather they are developed to satisfy the hierarchy models or not. P1: Explain the structure, role and relationship between parties in communication industry COMMUNICATION Communication is defined as Two-way process of attainment mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information but also create and share meaning ( sense). (communication, 2009-2010) (Communication process, 2010) BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Communication is the lifeblood of an organization (business). Business communication is any communication used to endorse a product, organization or service with the objective of making sale. In business communication, message is transferred through various channels of communication as well as internet, print (publications), television, radio, outdoor and word of mouth. In business, communication is considered center among business, interpersonal skills and manners. PARTIES INVOVLED IN COMMUNICATION INDUSTRY There are different parties involved in communication channels through which adverting takes place. These are Advertisers Advertising agency Media Clients ROLE FUNCTIONS OF DIFFERENT PARTIES Advertisers The role of advertiser is to focus on gratifying the general consumers by addressing their requirements through goods and services. As for the communication role, this refers to the mass communication purpose that advertising is capable to fulfill. It is a stunning means to inform the clients (customers) and communicate to them about the goods and services they wish to buy. Normally an advertisers objectives behind creating an advertisement are to generate sales. (advertiser, 1999) Also it helps the consumers to assess the value and benefits of the products. Advertising agency An ad agency or Advertising Agency is a service provider that works for clients to create an effectual and goal oriented advertising campaign meant at representing the organization positively in the eyes of its target customers. Companies hire advertising agencies to connect with their end customers. An advertising agency starts by getting well familiar with the clients goals, products target audience. This information proves beneficial in planning and making an effective advertising campaign. Once an advertising agency knows its clients needs, the course action of brainstorming and planning begins. This includes creating interesting attractive jingles, slogans and attention clutching body copy for advertisements. (Sinha, 2005 2011) Media Media plays a very significant role in advertising. There are different types of media for example press, outdoor advertisements, television, posters, radio, cinema, internet and mobile advertising. It helps the businesses to develop the market equity. It builds the positioning of the company and eases the image of the company which it wants to generate in the minds of the customers. It also helps to send the message to large audience. Different kinds of medias present the different forms and concepts of advertising. Moreover, different varieties of media also improve the affordability of the companies and different advertising podiums (platforms) can be used by the companies to spread the me (Wazzan)ssage. Clients Clients use advertising agencies, helps them to spread a message about their product and spread knowledge through television, print media etc. There are definite roles and responsibilities of a client that the agency can do their jobs as proficiently as possible and help the clients to make their business more successful. The role of a client is to explain his product or company message clearly; it allows advertising agency to understand better about the product and company which allows them to package and market it properly. The client should tolerantly listen to each idea of advertising agency as it is presented and decide that which campaign will draw the most concentration to the product. The clients responsibility is to make the advertising agency come up with the best probable ideas for product or company. (Clients roles and responsibilities in advertising industry , 2010) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT PARTIES OF ADVERTISING INDUSTRY Advertising agencies had worked for the endorsement of product by making advertisement campaigns. The first job of advertising agency is to well-develop a brief consideration of companys product, its potential, position in the market place and its target market. This helps advertisers to turn out effectual advertising campaigns to best publicize the product. They vigilantly study products and then guide company about the marketing strategy, which paper the ad supposed to be placed, how several times it should run etc. Keeping the clients objectives in mind, the advertising agency able to build advertising campaigns, like slogans, jingles, etc. The campaign is built with the mean to push the sales of the companys products, attract new customers belt while retaining the old ones, repeat the brand image, market the product and make brand awareness if the brand has been just forayed into the market. After the campaign is prepared, the advertiser looks for media medium to popularize / publicize the product. The campaign may be publicized in a range of media agencies like, television, print, radio, depending on the clients budget. For companys advertising needs, advertising agency chooses newspaper as the best mode of advertisement. Through its keen page, which appears as a colored addition in four to eight (depending on companys budget) leading newspapers and magazines, it reaches its clients services to a huge readership of approximately 5 million viewers. Advertising agency also helps in choosing the right newspaper to help company to market their product so that it reaches utmost viewers in the most effective way and in the end its the duty of the supplier to allocate the product where the company wants. Thats how; the parties in advertising agencies perform their roles to communicate the companys message to the end customer. P2: Identify the trends in advertising and promotion and evaluate (advantages and Disadvantages) of their impact CURRENT TRENDS IN ADVERTISING Current trends are a general direction in which something tends to move. For a long period now, advertising have been used as a strategic tool to endorse product awareness and build up brand preference, thereby increasing sales, as well as to promote customer loyalty by building customer relationships. The current trends in advertising are smart phones, internet (websites, banner ads, pop-ups or pop-behinds which stays an ad behind your windows, email promotions, sponsored links (like Google ads, community media such as you tube and my space.), social networks, TV, games, radio and print media. Micro marketing Micromarketing is designing, forming and manufacturing products, marketing and advertising campaigns for the benefit of very precise geographic, demographic, or psychographic segments of the consumer market. A marketing strategy, in which advertising efforts are, centered a small set of highly-targeted customers. Micromarketing requires a company to barely define a particular audience by  a particular characteristic, job title and modify campaigns for that particular segment. Now a days marketing is done on internet, smart phones and TV. If a new local company wants to launch its product and cant afford the expense of e-ads. So they can use print media which is effective and of low cost for advertising their product. Brand proliferation Brand proliferation is defined as when one company introduce new brands in the same product lines and hence try to cover each and every market segment for that product line. (Wazzan) For example: Huggies, a firm, owned by Kimberley-Clark. Huggies is well known for manufacturing disposable diapers, and has different product lines such as Little Swimmers and Pull-Ups. 7up also comes up with diet and lemon flavor. Sales promotion Sales promotions are short-period incentives to encourage the sale of a product or service. Sales promotion includes a number of communications activities that attempt to give added value or incentives to customers, wholesalers, retailers, or other organizational customers to encourage immediate sales. These efforts can effort to stimulate product interest, test or purchase. Examples of devices used in sales promotion include samples, premiums, coupons, point-of-purchase displays, rebates, contests and sweepstakes. (Sales promotion, 2000 2011) Sales promotion strategies There are three types of sales promotion strategies. 1) Push A push strategy engages convincing trade intermediary channel members to push the product through the distribution channels to the final consumer via promotions and personal selling efforts. Trade-promotion goals are to persuade retailers or wholesalers to carry a brand, promote a brand in advertising, give a brand shelf space, and/or push a brand to final consumers. Typical strategies employed in push strategy are: allowances, free trials, contests, specialty advertising items, buy-back guarantees, displays, discounts and premiums. 2) Pull Pull strategy efforts to get customers to pull the product from the manufacturer through the marketing channel. Consumer-promotion objectives are to attract consumers to try a new product, attract customers away from competitors products, hold reward loyal customers, get consumers to load up on a mature product and build customer relationships. Typical tactics employed in pull strategy are samples, cash refunds and premiums, coupons, advertising specialties, rebates, loyalty programs, contests, games, sweepstakes, and point-of-purchase (POP) displays. 3) Combination of the two Car dealers often offer a good example of a combination strategy. If you give attention to car dealers advertising, you will frequently hear them speak of dealer incentives and cash-back-offers. CURRENT TRENDS IN PAKISTANI MARKET Advertisement is one of the most significant tools for bringing awareness in people about products. In Pakistani market, we have generally seen two types of advertising trends of micro marketing and sales promotion. Especially sales promotion trend is normally more in from the last 2 to 3 years. Its because of the economic condition of the people, thats why the companies try to attract people more on sales promotion. Price promotion Sales promotion stands on a price discount offer. Its a promotion of a product by momentarily reducing its price. The price decline may be at, or below, cost, but it will have to be important enough, relative to challenging products, to persuade customers to purchase the product. In Pakistan, in 2010 Service Shoes offers discounts (discount ki barsaat up to 50% off) all over the country to attract more more customers in order to gain market share, customers and increase their sales. Gift with purchases This strategy to buy a service (product) by using trade loaders or a gift with purchase dates back to the very sunrise of marketing itself. Its a idea that still working today. Many companies and retail shops used this strategy to attract customers towards their products. IN Pakistan, ZONG is using gift with purchase technique to attract customers towards their product. By this technique they are going to increase their sales and gain market share. Coupons Coupon is just like a legal paper which can be exchanged for some sort of discount or special offer when buying a product. Coupons technique can be used by organizations to attract prize conscious by convincing them to purchase more by giving away a small prize discount. In Pakistan, K n is offering membership cards to customers on purchasing of more than Rs. 3000 and gives them discount on 10 to 20% discount. Samples Sampling is the practice of offering little quantity of product free of cost or at a very low price so that customers can experience their service or product at first hand. In Pakistan, this technique is basically practiced by pharmaceutical companies. IMPACT OF CURRENT TRENDS ON ADVERTISING Impact of Micro marketing The impact of micro marketing on advertising industry is that it effects user-initiated like product awareness, purchase intent, consideration and consequent consumer on online behavior. The impact of micro marketing on advertising industry is that to rightly target a very specific segment and it increased the media population year by year (newspaper, TV, internet, billboards and sites visitors etc). New medium is brought up in advertising due to which the micro marketing impact, old one is getting decreased day by day like internet marketing, online marketing etc. Due to current impact, many companies launched their product sites or company sites for customers awareness with some innovation and creation, which makes difficulties for the advertising industries. Impact of sales promotion Increasing Competition The first impact of sales promotion on advertising companies is that it increases the competition in the market. Due to raise in competition, this makes difficult for the advertising agencies to compete. Therefore, they are choosing more innovative techniques. Customers Have Become More Price Sensitive Sales promotion increased price sensitivity as the result of inflation. Due to economic recession consumers and dealers become more perceptive towards prices because they want value for their money. So its become difficult for the advertising agencies to set price of the product. Advertising Has Become More Expensive Less Effective The advertising media have turn out to be pretty expensive. Audio-visual medium may cost in excess of Rs. 1 lakh for a 10 second exposure during prime time which is considered as the most effective for short-duration ads. In many cases, consumers have reached a point of monotony due to unnecessary advertising on TV. Sales promotion is a more gainful promotion method to generate sales results for small companies which cannot compete with big companies. Sales Promotions Maximize Profits Sales promotion maximizes profit for companies, sales promotion department and advertising agencies as well. Sales promotion allows a finest brand to compete with a lower level brand amongst price sensitive consumers. P3: Use any two response hierarchy models on the two ads selected by the students HIERARCHY RESPONSE MODELS THE AIDA MODEL AIDA model was offered by Elmo Lewis to explain how personal selling works. It shows a set of stair-step phases which describe the process (procedure) of leading a potential customer to buy. The phases are attention, interest, desire, and action, form a linear hierarchy. It reveals that customers must be aware of a products existence. Be attracted enough to give attention to the products features/benefits. Have a desire to advantage from the products offerings. Action, the fourth stage, would come as a natural result of movement through the first three phases. Although this idea was elementary, it led to the later rising field of customer behavior research. HIERARCHY EFFECT MODEL Among advertising theory, the hierarchy-of-effects model is prime. Hierarchy can be briefly explained with the assist of a pyramid. First the lower level objectives such as awareness, knowledge are achieved. Succeeding objectives may hub on moving prospects to higher levels in the pyramid to draw out desired behavioral responses such as associating feelings with the brand, trial or regular use etc. It is easier to achieve ad objectives positioned at the base of the pyramid than the ones towards the peak. The % of potential customers will decline as they move up the pyramid towards more action leaning objectives, such as regular brand use. INNOVATION ADOPTION MODEL This model has significance to new product openings and mainly useful for adoption of non-commercial services. The phases of assessment and trail before adoption are considered important in the design of advertising program. The result in favor of making an evaluation is probably to be influenced by information accessible from various sources including advertising. Evaluation comprises a major step towards the adoption of the product or service. INFORMATION PROCESSING MODEL The procedure by which we create that skill selection is through the information processing system. This system is also known as the DCR process. We detect information, evaluate it with previous experiences and then react. Wellfords model proposes that we get in information through our senses and for the time being store all of these inputs previous to sorting them out. The inputs that are seen as related to the decision are then stored in the quick-fix memory. A decision is made by evaluating the information in the short-term memory with preceding experiences stored in the long-term memory. With position to the long term memory for the necessary action the decision is carried out. The action and the results are stored for future reference. The two ads are taken for the analysis of customer response hierarchy. These are Ufone Internet ad Now the four steps of AIDA model will be applied on this ad. Attention: In this ad, Ufone is trying to attract people attention about their new internet packages. In this ad to get customers attention, Ufone is showing a girl having mobile in her hand which is happy to use internet service. Interest: In this ad, a fast moving bike and a little blur waves shows about the fast speed of internet to gets peoples interest. Ufone is also showing social networks page (face book), yahoo, gmail and youtuube etc. Desire: In this ad, by showing fast moving bike, yahoo, skype and face book, shows the speed of internet which is directly the desire of people to use fast net in order to be connected with friends. Action: The given extra information about different internet packages encourages customers to take action. Mobilink Jazz ad Now the six steps of Hierarchy of effect will be applied on this Ad. Awareness: In this Ad, Mobilink has used model, the hero of Asian games and SAF game gold medalist Naseem hammed for their campaign. Actually in Pakistan, most people are not familiar with Naseem hammed. But Mobilink has used to Naseem hammed because people in Pakistan loves their national heroes and they follow them. Secondly in Pakistan, women are in majority so this factor is also making good awareness. Knowledge: The target audience might have product awareness but not know much more; hence this stage involves creating brand knowledge. In this step, Mobilink has provided little information about their services but there is not so much information about the model. The information is limited which will produce sometimes difficulty for customers. The message is that great people of Pakistan use Mobilink. Liking: As in this Ad, information is added which results in liking because in Pakistan, people follows their heroes. So this Ad is creating liking. Preference: As Mobilink is market leader, so they are preferred mostly because of good signal quality. As Naseem hammed is hero for most of young womens, so she is followed. So the product of Mobilink is preferred over other companies. Convince and purchase: When customers are convinced by the services, then they buy the services. M1: Make an effective judgment on the ads selected whether you think the ads are appropriately developed to satisfy the hierarchy models. Give reference to books or internet sources used. Analysis of Ufone ad: In Pakistan, currently there are many cellular companies working, for example Telenor, Mobilink, Zong and Warid. There is a tough competition between these companies; are trying to gain market share by lowering the charges and offers best services (packages) to their customers. In this ad, Ufone is informing customers about new packages and fast working internet services to makes people interest desire people with low rates and unlimited downloading. In this ad, Ufone is showing their existence in the market by giving good services to customers and offer best packages. The ad is overall good to attract people. They make their customers aware, informed them about their services and created interest. In this ad, they did not highlight the main package offer of their service. In my opinion, Ufone have to highlight the price and package on the top of ad, which can more attract customers towards their service and make it desire. They also did not highlight this sentence (ye slow motion ka nahià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. balky fast action ka zamana hai), by doing this they can attract more customers because majority internet users is youth which is the target market of all the cellular companies. Analysis of Mobilink Jazz ad In this ad, Mobilink used Naseem Hameed, who is the champion of Asian games and SAF game gold medalist as a model to show their market existence and attracts people towards their services. Approximately, they had covered all the six steps of hierarchy of effect model. It is an innovation and creativeness in the ad by bringing up the female hero which makes people awareness, liking, knowledge, preference and convince them to purchase. By this ad, they are taking competitive advantage over the other companies. The ad is overall good to attract people and to gain market share but I think some more Improvement can be done in this ad. The information about the model champion should be there and they should have to highlight that statement Himmat aur yaqeen ki sachi kahanià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. khwab se tabeer tak and the timings of the show should be prominent(large font). BIBILIOGRAPHY advertiser. (1999, 11 19). Retrieved 4 18, 2011, from suite101: Clients roles and responsibilities in advertising industry . (2010, 5 17). Retrieved 4 19, 2011, from ehow: communication. (2009-2010). Retrieved 4 21, 2011, from people communicating: Communication process. (2010, 11 1). Retrieved 4 21, 2011, from Success for career: Sales promotion. (2000 2011). Retrieved 4 20, 2011, from marketing teacher : Sinha, A. (2005 2011). Role of advertising agencies. Retrieved 4 18, 2011, from Wazzan, N. S. (n.d.). Brand cannibalization, Brand proliferation Brand Rejuv . Retrieved 4 19, 2011, from Citesales:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Proposal to Save the Environment Essay -- Environmental Pollution Alte

Proposal to Save the Environment Ever since Ford put out the first main line production car, there has been a market for gasoline. Since then, the automobile has made a humongous impact on the United States, as well as the entire world. This new invention allowed the average citizen to commute to work without the hassle of mass transit and horses. However, with this new supply of automobiles came the demand for the fuel they required to run. It was not known back then that the consumption of these fuels could actually hurt the environment, or even run dry. Today it is commonly known that these fuels aren’t unlimited, or good for the environment. Action must be taken to reduce and eventually eliminate these threats to human existence. That is why I propose to increase the tax on gasoline by one dollar per gallon. The money generated from this taxation would be spent on programs to find an alternative source of energy, stop pollution, and reduce the need for fossil fuels that the earth so heavily depen ds on. Man has used fossil fuels for thousands of years. For millions of years they have rested beneath the earths surface, however, recently man has began to consume these fuels at an incredible rate. The rates are so high that many experts say the earth’s fossil fuel supply will run out in the next century unless alternative forms of energy can be found. Currently one of the most consumed fossil fuels is oil, which in a refined state provides power to a majority of the cars, buses, and planes used every day on this planet. (#1) The consumption of oil is increasing every year, and the earth’s oil reserves are becoming less. With the danger of depleting the planet’s oil supplies, humanity must keep searching fo... ...states where you may find wind turbines, but there are also others were you wouldn’t find them. This is why I would invest more money into the alternative energy sources than alternative fuels. Alternative energy is the future for our nation as well as the earth. By taxing each gallon of gas by a dollar and investing the money into development of my programs would help protect the environment while still supplying the United States energy needs. If you think about it, isn’t it worth one more dollar per gallon to help preserve the earth? Works Cited: # 1 C 1998-1999-2000 byDesign and PowervisioN for The Greening Earth Society #2 REPP-CREST #3 Alternative Fuels Data Center Proposal to Save the Environment Essay -- Environmental Pollution Alte Proposal to Save the Environment Ever since Ford put out the first main line production car, there has been a market for gasoline. Since then, the automobile has made a humongous impact on the United States, as well as the entire world. This new invention allowed the average citizen to commute to work without the hassle of mass transit and horses. However, with this new supply of automobiles came the demand for the fuel they required to run. It was not known back then that the consumption of these fuels could actually hurt the environment, or even run dry. Today it is commonly known that these fuels aren’t unlimited, or good for the environment. Action must be taken to reduce and eventually eliminate these threats to human existence. That is why I propose to increase the tax on gasoline by one dollar per gallon. The money generated from this taxation would be spent on programs to find an alternative source of energy, stop pollution, and reduce the need for fossil fuels that the earth so heavily depen ds on. Man has used fossil fuels for thousands of years. For millions of years they have rested beneath the earths surface, however, recently man has began to consume these fuels at an incredible rate. The rates are so high that many experts say the earth’s fossil fuel supply will run out in the next century unless alternative forms of energy can be found. Currently one of the most consumed fossil fuels is oil, which in a refined state provides power to a majority of the cars, buses, and planes used every day on this planet. (#1) The consumption of oil is increasing every year, and the earth’s oil reserves are becoming less. With the danger of depleting the planet’s oil supplies, humanity must keep searching fo... ...states where you may find wind turbines, but there are also others were you wouldn’t find them. This is why I would invest more money into the alternative energy sources than alternative fuels. Alternative energy is the future for our nation as well as the earth. By taxing each gallon of gas by a dollar and investing the money into development of my programs would help protect the environment while still supplying the United States energy needs. If you think about it, isn’t it worth one more dollar per gallon to help preserve the earth? Works Cited: # 1 C 1998-1999-2000 byDesign and PowervisioN for The Greening Earth Society #2 REPP-CREST #3 Alternative Fuels Data Center

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Comparison of Ginsberg and Kerouac Essay -- comparison compare contr

A Comparison of Ginsberg and Kerouac   Ã‚  Ã‚   The 1950s saw a period of great material prosperity in the United States. After World War II G.I.s came back to take charge of the family again. Women no longer had to work and could return to the home to nurse their newborn babies. Housing, automobiles, and white picket fences were in high demand. Televisions became commonplace, making possible the rapid distribution of visual information- not to mention the sitcom. McCarthy had started to purge the U.S. of those pesky Communists, ensuring a democratic future for all. While the blacks, of course, could not realize it, virtually everyone else saw the fulfillment of the American Dream.    In their writings of the mid-1950s, Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac describe an America recently converted to the religion of the T.V. Ginsberg witnesses and records big blue Buicks in driveways of identical box houses. With Walt Whitman he watches whole families peruse the peaches in late-night supermarkets. Conversely, Kerouac describes a spiritual journey that takes him back and forth across the U.S. Both Ginsberg and Kerouac use Buddhist ideals and methodology to criticize the current state of American society. They seek after a more honest and equal American Dream.    Ginsberg and Kerouac are an interesting comparison because of their unique symbiotic relationship. Not only was each a literary influence on the other, but they actually appear in each other's works. In Ginsberg's "Sunflower Sutra," he and Kerouac sit between a railroad and a river to watch the sun set over San Francisco. Kerouac points out a sunflower, and Ginsberg begins one of his mystical visions ...    The primary image in the poem is a ... ...g to live in a real world. He does what he can, and gives the rest up for port wine.    Kerouac and Ginsberg envisioned a dream that no one can live up to. Like everyone else, they are good at telling you what's wrong, but cannot come up with the right answer nearly as quickly. From the evidence of the texts, I would give Kerouac more credit than Ginsberg, because he was less hypocritical and made his best attempt at reaching his spiritual goal. Ginsberg, however, definitely did his part in pinpointing the errors of a generation. Consequently, all are Holy and Beautiful.    Works Cited Ginsberg, Allen. "Sunflower Sutra." Howl and other Poems. San Francisco: City Lights, 1956. Rpt. in The New American Poetry. Ed. Donald M. Allen. New York: Grove Press, 1960. 179-181. Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Ancient Maya Essay -- essays research papers

The Maya of Mesoamerica, along with the Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas of Peru, made up the high civilizations of the American Indians at the time of the Spanish conquest. Both the Aztecs and the Incas were late civilizations, between 1300-1533 AD, but the Maya of the Yucatan and Guatemala exhibited a cultural continuity spanning more than 2,000 years, 1000 BC-AD 1542. Many aspects of this culture continue yet today. The Ancient Maya in their time had actually refined writing. They had an extensive written language, which was both phonetic as well as ideographic. One of only five independently created writing systems in human history. Maya words were in hieroglyphs, each picture with its own meaning. Unlike other ancient Central American civilizations, the Maya could write in words, sentences, and even stories. Arranging several pictures together in a logical form would create a story. The Maya covered their cities and buildings with hieroglyphs carved into the stone. Most of the Maya could read some hieroglyphs, but the priests and nobles were the only people who actually had knowledge of the entire language. The Maya would also use quills made of turkey feathers to write in books made of soft bark taken from a type of fig tree. Religion was the center of the Mayan life. Mayans believed that there were two levels of the world. The first level was the physical world and the second was the spiritual world, which consisted of the old dead ancestors, ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Necessity of Defined Boundaries in Nursing

What the Hippocratic Oath is to physicians, the Nightingale Pledge is to nurses. The very essence of this pledge needs to be maintained today as it was intended to be when it was first used on a graduating nursing class in 1893 Detroit (Wikipedia, 2007). Its importance is not to be understated – its meaning not to be devalued. For any nurse in a leadership position, it is necessary to engrain this pledge in one’s mind, rather than just repeat it for the sake of a certificate.With this engrained mentality, the managing nurse will possess the capacity to effectively implement this dogma into the minds and lives of young nurses. The Nightingale Pledge is symbolic of the more general concept of nursing boundary theory. The American Nurses Association (ANA), the American Medical Association (AMA), the state and national governments of the United States, every university with a nursing program, as well as every nurse and physician all have well-founded interests in defining b oundaries that represent ethical and safe behaviors concerning nurses (Holder, 2007).As the world, specifically the US, continues to rely more and more on healthcare provision, it is unavoidable that some loss of integrity concerning the quality of nurses in general will occur. Young nursing students are not always as true-hearted about the profession as was the lovely Miss Nightingale. They may be drawn to the profession for a well known variety of other reasons including handsome salaries and constant, versatile demand for services. This precisely why the senior nursing staff must actively attempt to preserve the integrity of each nurse and thereby the entire profession.The question then becomes how to do it; how to instill the solid and earnest concepts presented in the Nightingale Pledge into the minds and hearts of budding nurses. Education is the key (Wikipedia, 2007). As a leader, a managing nurse may initiate continuing educational services for the nursing staff. Programs th at reinforce the foundations of nursing can be offered in a variety of formats. There are no rules for creative presentation. Five minutes at every staff meeting could be dedicated to boundary discussions, for instance. Staff emails could be sent regularly presenting a boundary â€Å"tip of the day†.Colorful and inviting flyers could be posted on the walls of staff break areas if nothing else. The importance lies in the transference of the knowledge; in the sowing of the seeds of Nightingale. The managing nurse, and every nurse, should strive to uphold personal integrity levels as well as preserving the time-tested, well-earned respect for the world’s most caring profession: Nursing (Holder, 2007). As time goes on, nursing careers will progress in all areas and in all directions. A certain percentage of nurses will graduate for the wrong reasons; this is unavoidable.With the necessary components of preservation activated and consistently engaged, the managing nurse can serve as one vehicle for the transference of this philosophy of care giving. It can be shown to young nurses that the gifts that they give daily to their patients and humankind in general are by far more valuable than the profession’s more obvious perks. Nurses need to develop a sense of family with all other nurses in the world (Holder, 2007). There needs to be common bonds inherit in all nurses. They must have a sense of community.The continuation of efforts to uphold the high moral and ethical standards, such as those presented in the Nightingale Pledge, are integral to the future of nursing worldwide. Bibliography/References Holder, K. & Schenthal, Stephen. (2007, Feb 13). Watch Your Step: Nursing and Professional Boundries. Retrieved Feb 10, 2007, from Nursing Center: http://www. nursingcenter. com/library/JournalArticle. asp? Article_ID=696090 Wikipedia. (2007, Feb 13). Nightingale Pledge. Retrieved Feb 10, 2007, from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: http://en. wikipe dia. org/w/index. php? title=Special:Cite&page=Nightingale_Pledge&id=100440708

Friday, August 16, 2019

Context Aware Data Center Allocation

The method to find a proper data center is based on six contextual parameters: 1) Geographical distance network delay) between a consumer and data centers, 2) Workload of each data center 3)Power usage effectiveness 4)Network monitoring 5)Facility monitoring 6)Allocation delay time. The proposed model can successfully allocate the decanter based on above mentioned parameters. Objective or Aim: To allocate each consumer request to an appropriate data center among the distributed data centers based on the location Of consumer and the location of data centers.Scope: Using the proposed model can expect fast allocation time, but also future response time. The proposed model can successfully allocate the data center tit minimum distance between user and data center, workload, power usage effectiveness, network traffic, allocation delay, good facility. Problem Statement: Mapped/Reducer Provider computing service providers deliver their resources to consumers as a service, for example, softw are, platform and Infrastructure. Those services are based on the demands of the consumers, and the provider offers the services to consumers through brutalized resources.The resources of the providers are usually hosted by a data center. Since the location of consumer is different in geographically, a service provider should have strutted data centers throughout the world to deliver its services. Therefore, to find an appropriate data center for a consumer request is very much necessary. Existing System: Dynamic resource allocation problem is one of the most challenging problems in the resource management problems. In [7] authors have explained the algorithm for negotiation protocol for resource provisioning in detail. In authors have made a comparison of many resource allocation strategies.In [9] authors propose a model and a utility function for location- aware dynamic resource allocation. A comprehensive comparison of resource allocation policies is covered in [10]. In [1 1], au thors propose an adaptive resource allocation algorithm for the Mapped/Reducer Provider system with predictable tasks in which algorithms adjust the resource allocation adaptively based on the updates of the actual task counterinsurgency Allocation [1 2] is a subject that has been addressed in many computing areas, such as operating systems, grid computing, and data center management.For example, developers can have network requirements, such as bandwidth and delay, and computational requirements, such as CAP], memory and storage. The RA should deal with these unpredictable requests in an elastic and transparent way. This elasticity should allow the dynamic use of physical resources, thus avoiding both under-provisioning and over provisioning of resources. Proposed System: In this project, we propose a Context aware data center allocation model which allocates the consumer's request to an appropriate data center. Here, we assume the VIM run on the providers data centers infinitely a fter they are successfully allocated.Also, the VIM allocated in only one data center. Context aware data center allocation is designed to demonstrate the data enter allocation. In this model we have consumer and Mapped/Reducer Provider service provider, and coordinator agent. Coordinator agent works on behalf of each consumer and Mapped/Reducer Provider service provider. System Architecture: Working Principle: In this project, we assume the VIM run on the provider's data centers infinitely after they are successfully allocated. Also, the VIM allocated in only one data center. That means a VIM has not allocated a VIM in multiple data centers to support the consumer requests.For this reason, the workload of each data center has not depends on its resource availability, but the allocated Vim's specification (number of Cups) in the data center. Context aware data center allocation is designed to demonstrate the data center allocation. In this model we have consumer and Mapped/Reducer Pr ovider service provider, and coordinator agent. Coordinator agent works on behalf of each consumer and Mapped/Reducer Provider service provider. In this model, a Mapped/Reducer Provider service provider consists of several data centers that are geographically distributed.Likewise, there are consumers that are geographically distributed, or else they may be moving entities. The intent aware data center allocation model consists of different kind of agents; 1) User Agent, 2) Coordinator Agent, and 3) Monitoring Agent. In this agents; 1) User Agent, 2) Coordinator Agent, and 3) Monitoring Agent User Agent: A user agent sends a demand to the coordinator agent by sending an allocation request message on behalf of a consumer. Request message format is as follows: Request (allocation_ARQ_size, Location details of user).The user agent waits to receive an allocation result message from the coordinator agent. Coordinator Agent: A coordinator agent is responsible to coordinate resource allocat ions for geographically disturbed data centers and consumer. The coordinator agent finds an appropriate data center for a consumer request. When the coordinator agent receives an allocation request, the agent evaluate each data center to allocate the consumer request based on the location of consumer, workload on data center, Power usage, Facility monitoring, Network monitoring, and allocation delay latency of data centers.Functional Requirements The functional requirements for a system describe what the system should do. These requirements depend on the type of software being developed, the expected users of the software and the general approach taken by the organization when writing requirements. When expressed as user requirements, the requirements are usually described in a fairly abstract way. However, functional system requirements describe the System function in detail, its inputs and outputs, exceptions, and so on.Functional requirements are as follows: The proposed system s hould allocate each consumer request to an appropriate data center among the distributed data centers The proposed model can expect fast allocation time, and also future response time. Non-Functional Requirement Non-functional requirements, as the name suggests, are requirements that are not directly concerned with the specific functions delivered by the system. They may relate to emergent system properties such as reliability, response time and store occupancy.

The Badge of Shame

â€Å"Woman, it is thy badge of shame! †. Governor Bellingham was describing the scarlet letter to Hester while they were discussing if the punishments that Hester had to go through were adequate enough for the crime. Hester was living in the outskirts of the city in a small abandoned cottage for several years with the only thing that had any monetary value in her life, her child and the product of committing adultery, Pearl. She and her little Pearl were shunned from the community for her acts. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester is punished in more than one way, and she is able to deal with it openly so the community will, over time, forgive her. The most obvious subject of punishment that Hester had to cope with is wearing the scarlet letter. â€Å"By the point which drew all eyes and, as it were, transfigured the wearer†¦ was the scarlet letter, so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom†. Hester wrought the scarlet letter before she stood on the scaffold. When Pearl asks her why she wears the letter she replies that she wears it for its gold thread. Hester wears the letter for many years, even after the people in the community care anymore, so that she will be fully forgiven for her sin. In the beginning of the story, Hester is faced with serving the temporary part of her sentence, standing on the scaffold in front of the whole town. â€Å"It was a circumstance to be noted, on the summer morning when our story begins its course, that the women of whom there were several in the crowd, appeared to take a peculiar interest in whatever penal infliction might be expected to ensue†. The citizens of the town had gathered to criticize Hester as she stood on the scaffold, and many of the town s women were discussing the simplicity of Hester s sentence, since the usual punishment for committing adultery is the death penalty. Although she had to put up with the remarks about her for three hours while she was standing on the scaffold, the ridicule followed for many years to come. Hester and her daughter were thought upon as sinners long after Hester had served her sentence. Hester was not accepted by the community because of her sins. She was forced to live in an abandoned cottage on the edge of the city. â€Å"Hester Prynne, therefore, did not flee. On the outskirts of town, within the verge of the peninsula, but not in close vicinity to any other habitation, there was a small thatched cottage. It had been built by an earlier settler, and abandoned because the soil about it was too sterile for cultivation.. .†. Hester and her little Pearl not only lived in the little cottage, they spent most of their time there, only going into town for important things like food and supplies. The community basically shunned Hester and Pearl from the town and made it clear to them that they were not wanted inside the city. Hester went through a lot of punishment for her sins. She was able to deal with it openly, like wearing the scarlet letter and standing on the scaffold, and some she dealt with without showing any remorse. She was brave to live on the edge of the city and not to flee to another city or even another country. She also kept things inside, like the father of her child and her husband that seemingly deserted her. Overall, she is a brave soul and in some ways, is a role model to the rest of the people in the community.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

America in the 1950’s

McCarthyism, which found its main thrust in the Alien Registration Act of 1940, made difficult for immigrants because of its stringent requirements that they declare their political beliefs. These statements were rigorous disclosures of the status of these immigrants—which included current employment status and previous political affiliations. McCarthyism was also responsible for the purging of the Motion Picture industry in Hollywood of persons suspected of being communist sympathizers or activists. In the government’s efforts to upset the position of the Communists in the United States, it succeeded in terrorizing many innocents. This was occasioned in many courts by the accepting even inconclusive evidence brought against citizens. People loss their jobs and became imprisoned on charges that were non-substantial and that in later years would be deemed unconstitutional or otherwise actionable. Mistrust was bred among immigrant colleagues and members of the motion picture or other industries (Davidson, 2002). Dynamic conservatism is described as a tendency within a population to struggle for the maintenance of the status quo. This status quo maintenance is found desirable for the sake of stability within a state. The phenomenon is considered dynamic, as it is based on an active attempt to fight against forces that seek to overthrow or change the established order. Dynamic conservatism is more than mere resistance to change, as it includes mechanisms that learn from situations and make targeted efforts at strengthening the forces within the organization (or state) that are concerned with preservation of the status quo. With regard to the activities of the 1950’s, dynamic conservatism refers to Eisenhower’s domestic policy that supported and strengthened the New Deal giving it more legitimacy. It involved scaling down of the budget and the removal of federal influence in certain aspects of the country’s running (Davidson, 2002). Politics of consensus represented a form of agreement within the governmental, economic, and societal bodies. It involves a widespread understanding that consultation among these actors will take place regarding issues that are of national importance. It sought to create a harmonization of the ideas and desires of the influential and representative bodies in the country (such as trade unions and political parties). The party in power creates a system by which it seeks out the input and suggestions of all the involved entities. This provokes consideration of all the interests that attach to certain political decisions and seeks to ensure the inclusion of these interests in the final solution. The politics of consensus, as is implied by the term â€Å"consensus† seeks to identify a solution that is created by all and accepted by all involved. Therefore, rather than decisions being representative of the triumph of one party or group over another, it would reflect the cooperation of all groups in the taking of a political or socio-economic decision. Before Dwight Eisenhower came to the presidency, Americans faced uncertainty in an economy that was recovering from the depression of the 1920’s and 1930’s while being in the middle of a war (World War II). Consumer confidence was low, as resources were scarce and tapped. However, recovery came during the Eisenhower administration, when the American society entered an era of consumerism in which the values and actions of the consumer played a dominant role in the country’s economics. The economy was growing vastly, and income levels were increasing. This created not just more money in families, but also more leisure among Americans. Consumer confidence was high, as was confidence in the state of the American economy. This led to increased spending, and the resultant materialism. From the president, Americans no longer required specific action but the assurance that such prosperity would continue, and the moderation that defined Eisenhower’s administration reflected the surface contentment of the American society (Davidson, 2002). While the exact beginning of the Civil Rights Movement is unclear, a major revolutionary marker was the Supreme Court decision that maintaining and mandating separate facilities for different races was inherently unequal. This occurred in the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education case, which overturned the Plessy vs. Ferguson case over a half century earlier. This was followed hard upon by the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955, which took place in Alabama. It represented a more concerted effort on the part of black persons to garner the recognition of their rights to use the facilities provided by their country in an equal way. This event, which was triggered by the refusal of Rosa Parks to move to the back of a bus, led to an explosion of civil rights demonstrations in the South and around the country. The United States became interested in helping France to retain hold of its territory in Vietnam. The problem of communism was related to this, as the doctrine of communism containment heralded by Harry Truman targeted the communist stronghold region—South East Asia. This region was made up of many small communist countries, and their size made it more likely that they (rather than larger communist counterparts) should fall. The domino effect was considered by Eisenhower as how such a fall should occur. He proposed to target one country in that area, and expected the subsequent fall of the others. The initial communist party was begun by Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam, who sought independence from the Vichy French. Warlike relations only escalated when the Americans entered into the dispute in order to aid the French, and this assistance only increased upon the invasion of the South Korea by North Korea in 1950. McCarthyism enabled distrust among the ranks of many political, social, and economic entities in the United States. This distrust fueled not just underground activity and disgruntled feeling toward the United States government, but fierce sentiment against communism also has been considered as a factor in the assassination of later United States presidents and congressmen. It has therefore caused a lot of citizen distrust of the government. Dynamic conservatism. Dynamic conservatism has impacted such areas as civil rights movement, gay rights and women’s rights, as this tendency defines the actions of such groups that would have preferred that the minorities remain unrepresented and repressed. However, the Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s and 1960’s has led to an increased level of equality not just for African Americans, but also for other racial minority groups in the United States. It has been the fore-runner of such policies as affirmative action, which grants places within key organizations and key opportunities for minorities. Politics of consensus has been a method through which harmony has been restored somewhat to the political and social climate of the United States. This form of government has sought to create an open forum in which dialogues now take place regarding issues of great importance to many groups within the country. Consumerism allowed for the expansion of the United States economy, as it boosted consumer confidence, which increased spending and stimulated further economic growth. The involvement of the U.S. in Southeast Asia led to further involvement and was in the Korea and subsequently in Vietnam. This has had a negative impact on the image of presidents in the White House and upon the government as a whole, especially during the Vietnam War period. Anti-war sentiment regarding this was has continued very far beyond that period. This Southeast Asian involvement led to presidents’ refusal to run for a second term and indirectly contributed to Nixon’s resignation. Reference Davidson, J. W. (2002). Nation of nations. New York: McGraw-Hill. Â